Here is how it goes:
- Pick 10 of your favorite movies.
- Go to and find a quote from each movie.
- Post them here for everyone to guess. NO cheating!
- Bold it when someone guesses the movie correctly
1.[with a German accent] How can I be getting zis vork done wit all de shouting? Control de shouting?
Reporter: Who's That?
-Heinz Getwellvet. I am trainer of dolphins. You want to talk to de dolphin, you talk to me. Reporter: What happened to the other trainer?Vat happened to him? Vat happened to me? Seven years I am wit Siegfried. [he holds up only four fingers] Ve are making de dolphins disappear, und den Roy is coming wit de vite tiger und ze shtuffing in de pants und den I'm gone.
Reporter: [skeptically] Where is Snowflake?
-Why do you care about Snowflake? Do you know him? Does he call you at home? [shouts]
Do you have a dorsal fin? To train ze dolphin you must zink like ze dolphin! You must be getting inside ze dolphin's head. I am saying to Snowflake, "Akay!... Akay Akay Akay?" und he is saying "AKay Akay!" und he is up on ze tail "Eeeeeeeeee!" und you can quote him! [Ace spits]
-Alright, it's almost time for Coach Shula's press confrence, uh, lets let Heinz do his work?
-[shooing reporters] Go to de conference, go to it.
2. I don't even remember what my dad looks like.
I don't remember what my dad looks like either, but at least I get to see him everyday.
3. Dear Jamie, When we're together, I feel like we're not in high school, but in our own little Chris and Jamie world. Whether we're watching 'Party of Five' or practicing our cheers, I feel like I can just be myself. Jamie, we've been friends for a really long time, but I want to be more than that. Hoping to be your boyfriend... Sincerely, Chris Brander. BFF!
4. That ain't no etch-a-sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, homeskillet.
5. Did you just stick your gum under my coffee table?
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know? You think you're at an Arbys right now?
You know what? I WISH I was at an Arbys cuz theres better food and cooler people there!
6. Hm. Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch, they swim all over you.
7. From our team to yours. G-O-D-R-A-M-A-C-L-U-B
Exclamation point.
Well, looks like us wildcats are in for an interesting afternoon.
Go, godra, godarma...
8. Slotted spoons don't hold much soup.
9. To the top of Mount Wanna-hock-a-loogie.
10. Excuse me, Flo?
Flo, like the TV show. Uh, what is the Soup Du Jour?
It's the Soup of the Day.
Mmmm. That sounds good. I'll have that.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
It's Like Were The Same

It's been called to my attention that these
two pictures are very similar
What do you think?
Leave your Comments!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Last Beverage : Milk
Last Person You Called : My Mommy. Shes is Disneyworld :(
Last Song You Listened To : "Learn To Do It" from Anastasia
Last Time You Cried : I can't Remember
HaVe You eVeR:
Dated Someone Twice? Nope
Kissed Someone and Regretted It? Possibly
Lost Someone Special? Sure
List your 3 Favorite Colors : Orange, Pink, Purple
iN THe PaST 3 MoNTHS HaVe You:
Fallen In Love? Nope
Laughed Until You Cried? Only Like Always!
Met Someone Who Changed Your Life? Nope
Found out who your true friends were? My Sisters are my True Friends!
How many kids do you want to have? I don't know. I can barely handle all of my nieces and nephew! I'll get back to you on that one.
Do you have any pets? Yes, A Yorkie, Gizmo
Do you want to change your name? Only if I was going undercover!
What were you doing at midnight last night? I was on Facebook
What is something you're excited for? Getting to watch "House" with my Papa
What's getting on your nerves right now? Nothing
Elementary School? Libbie Edwards.
Junior High? Evergreen.
High School? Olympus.
First surgery : never had surgery
First piercing : My ears
First best friend : Sarah Bennett
First sport you played : Kickball
First pet : Casey, the dog
First vacation : DisneyLand
First Crush : I can't remember his name but I think it was in 2ND grade.
Eating? Nothing.
Drinking? spit
Waiting? For someone to call. so I can do something
MoRe HaVe You eVeR
Kissed a stranger? No!
Lost glasses or contacts? I don't wear them
Ran away from home? Nope
Broken someones heart? probably
Been arrested? Oh yeah! you know me the little rebel! lol NOT
Turned someone down? Yes
Cried when someone passed away? If they died on a TV show does that count?!?!
Do You BeLieVe iN
Yourself? I try to
Miracles? only like Always
Heaven? Yes! I think life would be horrible without that.
Kissing on the first date? No
Did you all learn something New?
Last Beverage : Milk
Last Person You Called : My Mommy. Shes is Disneyworld :(
Last Song You Listened To : "Learn To Do It" from Anastasia
Last Time You Cried : I can't Remember
HaVe You eVeR:
Dated Someone Twice? Nope
Kissed Someone and Regretted It? Possibly
Lost Someone Special? Sure
List your 3 Favorite Colors : Orange, Pink, Purple
iN THe PaST 3 MoNTHS HaVe You:
Fallen In Love? Nope
Laughed Until You Cried? Only Like Always!
Met Someone Who Changed Your Life? Nope
Found out who your true friends were? My Sisters are my True Friends!
How many kids do you want to have? I don't know. I can barely handle all of my nieces and nephew! I'll get back to you on that one.
Do you have any pets? Yes, A Yorkie, Gizmo
Do you want to change your name? Only if I was going undercover!
What were you doing at midnight last night? I was on Facebook
What is something you're excited for? Getting to watch "House" with my Papa
What's getting on your nerves right now? Nothing
Elementary School? Libbie Edwards.
Junior High? Evergreen.
High School? Olympus.
First surgery : never had surgery
First piercing : My ears
First best friend : Sarah Bennett
First sport you played : Kickball
First pet : Casey, the dog
First vacation : DisneyLand
First Crush : I can't remember his name but I think it was in 2ND grade.
Eating? Nothing.
Drinking? spit
Waiting? For someone to call. so I can do something
MoRe HaVe You eVeR
Kissed a stranger? No!
Lost glasses or contacts? I don't wear them
Ran away from home? Nope
Broken someones heart? probably
Been arrested? Oh yeah! you know me the little rebel! lol NOT
Turned someone down? Yes
Cried when someone passed away? If they died on a TV show does that count?!?!
Do You BeLieVe iN
Yourself? I try to
Miracles? only like Always
Heaven? Yes! I think life would be horrible without that.
Kissing on the first date? No
Did you all learn something New?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Never Leave Wendy Alone with Makeup, a Curling Iron, and a Camera
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